Wednesday, 22 January 2025

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Git commands

Git commands : 1. Git configuration :git config --global "<Your-Full-Name>" // Sets your name for all Git repositories.git config --global "<your-email-address>" // Sets your email for all Git repositories.2. Git repository management :git init // Initializes a new Git repository in...

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

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Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development

 Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development1. Developers can deploy, run, and manage applications.2. Deploy applications quickly.3. Docker is a containerization platform that simplifies the process of deploying and managing applications. Applications run along with their dependencies. Docker Images...
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Gmail : SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Gmail : SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol1. Go to google Gmail account setting     â†’ Go to Forwarding and POP/IMAP     â†’ Enabled IMAP access.2. After go to : manage your google account     â†’ Go to security page     â†’ Less secure option is...
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AWS SES : Simple Email Service

 AWS SES : Simple Email Service1. Download access key and secret key excel file.2. Go to verified identity -> Create Identity -> Verify email received in email account and verified.3. npm install aws-sdkconst AWS = require("aws-sdk");const awsConfig = {  accessKeyId: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,  secretAccessKey:...
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Difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL

 Difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL.1. MySQL:    Relational database.    Case-insensitive.    Limited basic data type support.    Uses indexes: R, B, Hash.    Concurrency control.2. PostgreSQL:    Object-relational database...
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JavaScript Hoisting

JavaScript Hoisting :1. Functions, variables, and class definitions are hoisted to the top.2. let and const are initialized only after they are used.3. The most important concepts in JavaScript.4. To avoid bugs, always declare all variables at the beginning of every sco...

Monday, 20 January 2025

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Pure and Impure Functions in JavaScript.

 JavaScript Pure and Impure Functions.1. JavaScript Pure Functions.    JavaScript Pure Function Without modifying value return. like predictable out value.function add(x) {    return x + 1;}console.log(add(10)); // output : 11console.log(add(11)); // output : 12console.log(add(12)); // output...
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